Friday, December 16, 2005


I don't know what is going on with me. I can't stop feeling this need to be held. I am so lonely nowadays that I cannot bear face people coz then they'll see this need in my eyes. I know I am where I should be in my life. It doesn't matter that most my friends are married with kids already, I have succesfully raise my 10 year old brother, I have an inkling how it feels to be responsible for someone. But the thing is all this while I have been looking after people, starting from my mom and everyone else around me. Even with my ex I was the nurturer, even though he was 10 years older than me. I just need someone to hold me, care for me, love me! Is that too much to ask? Well I gues my time has not come, but I wonder when does the universe see fit to send me my soul mate?

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